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Sunday, March 30, 2008

E-3 Work Visa for Australian

The E3 Work Visas was first introduced to Australian in May 11 of 2005.  It was created by the US Congress when negotiating on the Australia-United States Free Trade Agreement (AUSFTA).
There is an annual quota of 10,500 E-3 Visas, and the unique feature of the E-3 Visas is that the spouses of the visa holders may work in the United States without many restrictions. The visas issued to spouses and children of E-3 Visa holders are not subjected into the annual E-3 quota, and they do not necessarily have to be Australian citizens as the actual E-3 visa holders have to be. 

Unlike H1-B visas, E-3 Visas do not allow holders to apply for permanent residency (Green Card) in the United States while working under their E-3 status. But, it has its superior character over H1-B visa too. E-3 has a special feature that allows holders to renew their visas indefinitely, whereas H1-B holders can only  hold their visas for up to 6 years. 

The application process for E-3 visas is somewhat similar to applying for H1-B visas. 

For our fellow Australian readers, the E-3 work visa might be another good option for you if you would love to stay in the United States, and do not want to compete with applicants from the rest of the world. 

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